الخميس، 29 أغسطس 2013

Ashampoo ? Home Designer

If you’ve visited a professional home and interior designer recently you were probably impressed by the expensive 3D planning software that they used to let you see what their ideas will look like when they’re finished. Now you can use software like this yourself and plan your own home in 3D, for a fraction of the cost of hiring a designer.

Ashampoo Home Designer is a professional-quality 3D home planning tool for everyone. It lets you experiment as much as you like with what fits and how it looks before spending a single cent on materials or services. The ability to look at the planned rooms outside and inside from every perspective helps to avoid expensive mistakes – it’s like being there, and it’s completely different from looking at pencil sketches on graph paper.

Finding out what doesn’t work and what looks good doesn’t cost anything and you can try out as many different ideas as you want for as long as you want.

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